Saturday, May 29, 2004

~Of Missing My Father

How I Miss You

I know the words, and more
You never had a chance
to daresay ever before
time wounded your being
and cancelled your existence.

The words sound hollow today.
More as I realize how late
in the span of my life I am
ready to concede we failed.
I would end my life redeemed

In your arms, atop your shoulders
your presence clarified by us.
I was a child unprepared.
As an adult, a lost promise
held memorial to our purpose.

I am alive and willing to witness
the truth of what you promised.
And I would have answers
the day my last breath ends life.
Did you abandon me twice then?

Letting you go by choice is wrong
yet waiting only perpetuates it.
I can bear witness to wisdom
an eye for an eye as necessary
to undo the deep bond of love.

I suffer doing what I feared done
I abandon my honor to words
you promised to my heart.
Leaving me to wait vainglory
as an abandoned child alone?

The echo of hollow sounds alive
with a reverbed vibrato beat
horns get to celebrate
blowing tempest of laughter
as freedom recovers the missing.

Copyright © 5/29/04, Robert James Duberg

Thursday, May 20, 2004

~World Song of Child

first thing to a child’s future
asks of us, blazing our way
radiant, visible over horizon
value of recovery
the sacred, alpha by omega
being and consciousness
safety for all children here
narratives for mind’s play
philosophical instruction
training to disipline
spiritual mysticism of love
and a net for falling angels.

violent weapons to trigger
hate buttons, censors, slavery
mercenary opposition, neglect
meaningless chatter, evil intention
imbalance, and corruption.

Fight for freedom is an alliance.

Comes from
ability, to strip the false
exihibiting world in song
calling others to dance
while alone in the dark.
faith, in one’s higher will
finding inner compass
making a difference
not stopping for result.
prayer, form of calling
to listen to what isn’t
connects us to spiritual
to inform word of love.

Singing the song, children will.

Copyright © 5/19/2004, RJDuberg

Monday, May 17, 2004

~ Gravity Rose

My pricked and bleeding hand
from a thorny rose afront…
Betray a beautiful but brutal flora
as I smell tears blossom wet.

The fault and pain made mine
must be innocent opposition
to the collapse, a bad recoil that
needs of pride, yet sovereignty denies.

Love, infatuation, ruined innocence
just like water, cures the harmful fire.
Life of the innocent, bliss of ignorance
And the inevitable spiraling romance.

Until then, you and I, dance
the tragic heartbreak tango
ever more at stake and lost
until along steps mi amour.

First - With a graced context
teaching Möbius like a trick
to faux openings for closures,
rented moves that fail in situ.

My sadness grows despite
a tender feeling so kind
no release she falls and is
broken, in words that rattle.

Her articulation on my failure
in years passed, razes future.
Her hope of change betrayed
by prickly shadow's domain.

Grown up and a bigger man,
her words strike scarred rain.
How I live feels so amiss
inside of skeptical and pissed

This live blooming rose path
has been my lucky chagrin
no grave warnings for refrain
but gravity into reddish injury.
Of her earlier thorns...
I never understood her plan
She never felt safe with me
Two years later, a broadside?

I cut her off in chat, my bad
she writes, I can’t talk to you
plain and simple boy slam-fest
brat she said ran me thru bad

my anger made a poor discredit
This probe escalated into strike
Laying grounds for a challenge.
Tomorrow, a sober story will tell.

© 5/17/04, RJDuberg
rev 9/2016

~In Light of Death

In Light of Death

Shiva reminds us that nothing remains
except peace, love, and divinity, mysteries
outside the dominion of that destruction
where everything cycles in the end to begin.

Only man has this hint of possibility in him
A gift of being, in light of death, with divinity
balancing the ground of mystery to ascend
making a liberty for consciousness, not death.

© 5/10/2004, RJDuberg, rev 01/2010
rev 5/2020


Contemplating peace and love
feels hardly real while destroying.
Elsewhere is ordered on command
killing our civil service for citizenry.

I would like to resolve this disease
of purpose, pressed by fear to lead.
In the meantime, I AM not a victim
without love, peace, and romance.

I’m just feeling lost like a raindrop
falling but still in cloudy beginning
surrounded by an ocean, now drops
so much homogenity a fog ensues.

But for myself, smiles, a passerby
Mitigates blindness, and its fallout
Only the inevitable smash of splatter
that evaporates in shadow's light.

The circumstantial cast renders
unbalanced compensation's drift.
My Omega could never justify
Iraqis killed by any command
no rationality or integrity will out

A Shadow of death veiled in life?

© 5/10/2004, RJDuberg, rev 5/2020