“The problem for you as a challenge is whether or not you will be capable of developing your will, or the power of your second attention to focus indefinitely, on anything you want.” - Carlos Castaneda, The Second Ring of Power
No stopping this, my entity observed as a process
has always had me, my life is right until now
without a way to completely word it.
Rather despite every effort and result
so far, seeming to obscure and obliterate
this true flowing of process defines au natural.
Short events of clarity do nothing, in fact calm
by an evocation in spirt that allows evil chaos
to return expanding fully its utopian negations.
Left unattended, forgotten mediocrity rules life
dramatically enough to inspire myths of mystery
while willful resistance is friction making possibility.
The haze of the gaze has my droll drooling now
my mediocrity red line bottoms in short spurts
while the wretched struggle splashes cooler.
This totality worded, leaves that flow, onward.
Impeccable perception reflects pure actions
beyond but bringing magical collaborative unity.
Bits and pieces, kibitz deceives to please us.
All style points awarded and prizes given.
Real men buy better, women win the credit.
Underneath assessments and all contrariness
the flow is everyone’s worst fear imaginable
self words cannot conceive nor understand it.
© 2/24/2005, RJDuberg