Calculate a result in terms of the achievement of X amount of Energy in units(u) which completes and satisfies the highest relevant purposeful goal. Hold cultural variance constant, IE spirituality, factors of ecology and evolution.
Analyze effort to result, and remember that every moment of our lives are determined higher levels consciousness developed for effective and efficient repetitions of this analysis in REAL TIME as is appropriate to the harmony and happiness of our life and experience.
Without an exact and complete vision of the possibilities and potentials combined with a will to act, what happens in our lives is determined by accident and our overall mechanicalized boundaries.
With success as developing beings we witness the true payment humanity was created for fulfilling. Next to all the variable dimensions and factors in this process is mankind's isolation from higher ruling faculties, and his enslavement by ignorance and stupidity.
When measures result in a certain state in man, an unfolding and rebirthing of that man takes place from which a germination of free will is incubated and given essence and being requiring a paradoxical reversal of polarity along functional dimensions, such as attention.
Regardless of the depth and complexity of this topic, a truly essential scope is termed simply Know How Much Your Willing to Pay for "THIS" and whether or not you would stake your life on producing a precise transaction in the universe. All that given and considered, those who thrive within this challenge are my heroes ad infinitum infinity or eternity forever.
(c) Rjd, 1/2006