Robert Duberg Please explain
Mark Michael Lewis what do you think it means Robert?
Robert Duberg Not being so familiar with Nietzsche's thinking, I would have to make an assumption(s). But, going strictly on semantics here the whole idea seems to turn on the expression "...to face what he already knows." To understand this ACT in light of his view that "Even the most courageous...only rarely has the courage..." would imply facing what one already knows to be something very remarkable (as you clearly think so by publishing this quotation) and accessible only by a kind of courage expressed by an extraordinary few of those of us who could be said to be courageous already. Thus, if we were to juxtapose these two dimensions of courage and self-exploration, it really isn't courage which is the focus of this statement is it? Except, it is exactly courage which is necessary to open this particular inward act of recognition. He's saying something about the ACT of acquring Ontological Knowledge as well as maintaining it. is my best guess estimate. And your statement about the water being warm is a comment addressing the interior landscape where this knowledge exists and is so acquired. However, I don't see how your comment adds anything to the reality and in fact, misses the point; which is not about fear, in my view, but rather ignorance.
Robert Duberg Shall I continue, or have I gone off the rails sideways already? LOL
Mark Michael Lewis Sounds good to me.
I am of the opinion that fear is most often ignorance in disguise. Ignorance about our innermost processes is (Freud took after Nietzsche here) part and parcel of human awareness. The water is warm, but it still might be shocking. And, if you freak out, you still might choke or even drown. And, that is either a turn on or a danger signal, or both - depending on your style. smile emoticon
Robert Duberg LOL ... well, I'd rather not get melodramatic about it, that won't help anything, regardless of style. But, if so good so far then I will continue, yes? Unless, you want to take a stab (LOL) at the idea of innermost process and apply it here in practical manner? I think keeping the water out of it will make things clearer since we've clarified the focus to innermost process or knowledge, yes or no? Or, you're right on the money and the fear your speaking about is the ignorance I'm speaking about which for me, both have to do with facing inward FURTHER, OR IE having the understanding that what we know is NEVER true but a certain level of interpretation and application (our own personal heuristic if you will) that can be refined over any expansion of consciousness and awareness we attain. The reality here regarding the courage is that of being ready to let go of our own identity and sense of person in order to refine, update, acquire a higher truth of said Self. Yay or nay? Am I on the right track? See, I say there are more possibilities than what we're speaking about being a turn on or a threat or both, and this is where I would depart from Nietzsche I guess or you, in that there's more to going inward further than courage or style, at least as far as you have qualified style. It would really be cool to know the context from which this excerpt of his was taken. I don't suppose you have it do you?
I concluded with this .... "I just heard the coolest quote from Hemingway, "There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man, true nobility means being superior to your former self."
I will add to this as Mark chooses to.