Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Working Out the Details

Working out the Details

I have now come to realization that a valuable story is one told by a one in a million narrators who shows others a mirror that brightens and does not dim.

Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
 - Bob Dillon lyrical excerpt

My rage has caused far too much chaos between me and life in general. I will say that a better state to be in involves asking questions about life. How many times have I become intimate with alot of women just in order to ask questions of them they would never have thought of and I had fun sharing with them. Sometimes they had challenges and questions which surprised and astonished me. I don't feel that sexual fire like I used to although I am the same person, there's no doubt of that. As I work out the details to my senior days and where romance fits in with them, I'm still working out the dertails.

Writing a Book 

I have always considered writing a sellable story, one exciting to read, one with both dark and light in it, something with the kind of obvious radically extreme risk you find trending all over the internet. I am currently collaborating with a friend on her story, one that touches the heart and opens up a new reality that you really can’t understand except to see it in action.  Finally, I feel one story worth telling is one that gives me insight on not only what the most relevant questions are but the reason why.  

Put together a History.

Tell the truth whatever the consequence for awhile

Work out the Details.

Keep your tools sharp and in use.

What matters most?

What works and what does not?

So, endeth a spontaneous whirling rift on what I’ve been musing on about lately. Preludes to writing something out in detail, look like this.

Catching Hell Online

My position is that nothing beats the dynamic sexual tension which arises naturally in within the body so the action becomes desirable like and feels like one palette when hungry. There is great positive anticipation which feels so blissful that we begin to be more present to ourselves taking pleasure and not just the pain from our experience of life.  Except that we make others our audience, we will never know the joy associated with getting out oancf the way so that others can see the details to your message or what works.  That is worth giving don’t you think.  So how would you articulate your own particular value desired in words you write?  I will recapitulate my online romantic series elsewhere probably not, but I suppose the game is all the same at heart. At my ancient age of 59 on the 25th…romance hasn’t been all that I had hoped and wished and mostly due to my own mistakes.  I mean my reach found me  next to very powerful and interesting women. My feeling is that I just never felt like using them was right. My thought was that the moment I did something like that thereby corrupting the art of love into manipulation and there are worse ways to destroy love and they all amount to betrayal, hard cold sexual betrayal is one of the worse by far.  

Then there is the whole degradation we suffer by the free porn industry, but I digress.

In any story written, there has to be clear value in just the manner and how it is written and not just what is being written about. So what’s the story I want to share with you and just how do I plan to do it like I’ve never done it before.  A good novel ought to provide an inspiring view and story with enough detail so that the reader can put it together for themselves. Let new ideas be possibilities you suggest worth considering.  My ideas are on how to rage against the dying of the light, this my current issue now 5 years into a state of end stage renal failure. I just don’t want my life to be how little medicine has offered me in the way of healing. More than when my Father became ill with this disease for sure, yet still having a level of influence I simply cannot avoid.  People try being positive and some of them are actually quite beautful too. j

So develop a habit, be prepared, awake, alert and let’s see what happens.

Next: Get a grip on visuals, graphics, drawings, cartoons, photography, photoshop, design, web design, development, ... have fun though.

Thursday, September 07, 2017

Where Fools Rush In, Case against God Revisited

Nothing it seems is more persuasive or compelling than somebody preaching a "truth" which they have devoted their entire being to, even sacrificed their savings to, all in faith. Its that possibility in our listening that I find fascinating, but unfortunately or not immune to as well, lol. By dismissing God as fictional and irrelevant, I also get to bypass the satanic series as well. This leaves me with a lot of responsibility as to knowing whatever I do accomplish is exactly what I will get. Part of that work is an every increasing and expanding consciousness of my self as aligned with the Universe/Everything. And by that, I can command nature, and produce miracles like sudden spontaneous synchronicity which is all a mere function of my asking the wile mysterious chaos in me to respond.

And, there's a lot happening ... It's pure arrogance to think one knows or has the capacity to know "God." Then there's the whole "in his image" schtick which is another degree of arrogance, but from the context of inspiring connection building, nothing beats faith for bringing people together to love one another. I can't and won't argue against that. I just think its time we take the blinders off and wake up to our own innate capacity to achieve the same others do in faith, only free and empowered towards a future of our own making. Holding on to your faith means you'll continue constrained under the entire narrative's vision and teaching. By now, you've got to see the inherent confict which that involves, a struggle no longer constructive and clearly no longer appropriate.