Saturday, January 19, 2019

Mary Oliver Poem

The Real Prayers Are Not the Words,
But the Attention tht Comes First

The little hawk leaned sideways and, tilted,
rode the wind. Its eye at this distance looked
like green glass; its feet were the color 
of butter. Speed, obviously, was joy. But
then, so was the sudden, slow circle it carved 
into the sightly silvery air, and the 
squaring of its shoulders, and the pulling into
itself the long, sharp-edged wings, and the 
fall into the grass where it tussled a moment,
like a bundle of brown leaves, and then, again,
lifted itself into the air, that butter-color
clenched in order to hold a small, still
body, and it few off as my mind sang out oh
all that loose, blue rink of sky, where does 
it go to, and why? 

Monday, January 14, 2019

~Art Curation * Draft in progress

The idea of the successful PROBE.
    This means ending up on the other side.
    How does one enter THAT zone?
Beginner rules sharpen focus.
Specific Standards matter over time.

There is work involved in unfolding
   the precise exchange with technique
   and the Technological Innovation
Realized as a better platform, ultimately;


© 1//2019 rjduberg 

Sunday, January 06, 2019

~ The Sound Made by Trump a Thump

 The Sound of Impeachment
 *coming to a country near you today!

There's a sound made by Trump
   As he backs up his hump (around)
      in the WH these days.

The Beep Beep isn't pretty buy needy.
   So we all suffer with his fakiness
       Can we please impeach him now?

Stop (t)his noise now!

© 11//2019 rjduberg

Tuesday, January 01, 2019

~Poem Simplicity not simple

Make these complexities simpler
   so they don't go bad anyway
      the act of being rich rich bad
         isn't what I mean, want or need

Mistakes like that can ruin entire lives
   leave them drowning in the debris
      instead gird them against that hell
         that fate each uniquely reveals

Just enough to silence the unruly noise
   *stopping here to go to bed, dialysis, tomorrow 

© 7/2/2017 rjduberg

Letter to a Girlfiriend

I’m not really sure what to do with this new gained perspective on love.  As I look back over my life I can see this perspective play out over and over with differing degrees of maturity involved in its expression.  Tonight sees yet another cycle climax aligned and amplified in some degree by the New Year I think.

The truth for me is that I love the feminine in myself and others in which I find resonance and synchronicity and higher calling heard in my heart as a pulling gravitational pull of love that is synced in with mine in some important way.  Problem has always been that I destroy this access in its range by getting intimate with any one single female.  A few have stolen my heart for a time proportionate to the ferocity of their love for me.  There is an inherent danger in my sharing this with another whom I do appreciate and love for exactly her feminine resonance to my masculine. I cannot deny the level of maturity that has arisen, as is expressed by the unfolding vocabulary which is allowing me greater conscious access and concurrent skill in sharing exactly how I feel.  Maybe not?  LOL, but my sense of humor is enough to cover in the case of any mistakes I make, I hope.  It’s that hope that I am now somehow enamored with at least enough to move forward, OK then … I still have to make simple the complex here and believe me the phase is still a work/moment in progress. 

Mostly, I need honesty.  That last feminine attempt to breach my installed morality of patience having leap too many times into the clamoring abyss of love heart to heart was rocking my world right up until I wasn’t moving fast enough and her closing remark revealed an outright lie made in the lets see here kind of exploratory facade designed to gain access. 

Your kindness and love have sustained a bleak outlook here from becoming despairing or desperate. Thank you.
Love, rj, xox