could be playing pinball. It
would be the best opportunity for it, AND YET, here I am writing an aritcle for a phantom blog dedicated to an Evolutionary Think Tank based on Integral Theory. This blog is such a GOOD idea, AND YET; has yet to see the light of day. My vision for it is a portal through which we the collective of the EV Think Tank can disseminate the refined and synthesized wisdom missing form public narratives that will provide the necessary social support for tailoring the next phase of development so that it Boldly demonstrates the application of the main evolutionary principle in Interal Theory, which is, Include & Transcend,
The process has begun tearing down and raising structures today that no longer support their inhabitants. It is enough to see the "spttg" event is an event we Should just walk away. And this endeth today's demonstration of the over-reach today intellectually of various domentic issues aired on air over the weekend talk shows mostly.
Alright then, I'll let you go for now.