Wednesday, October 05, 2005

A Break From Depression

I know the greatest need
and also my failure indeed
to honor and love intrinsic.

Once, in a great while, inspiration
arrives meterorically, a find
appearing free of time; noteworthy.

Best cliche is stereotypically grand
the missing link synthesizes holistic
alignment and reveals inner light.

More complicated than a jig saw puzzle
the key element fits uniquely
an interface connecting the knowns.

Knowledge transcends interface then,
through some magic concourse
providing consciousness its moment.

Then, and I predict again now
time somehow reasserts its evil,
erasing what grip grabbed so well.

Left relieved of power and forgetfull
our reason continues on higher
our understanding more articulate.

The reality of life less confused, is
smaller, simpler, if still mysterious too
to gain ever more respectability.

Balance, begins blooming brightly
by itself and in the myriad
this alone calms me now.

For I am weak, but desire you
as beauty abounds in the world
you are beauty's best moment.

I know the highest lofts of praise
only suggest what the eye blinks
of character beheld intrinsically.

This language is more effective
as a listening, even as I write
as I must, I seek to reconcile.

In my higher consciousness
presence purifies the great
the spiritual supreme manifest.

Simplicity equates to the slightest
any and all details harmonize
revealing a resonant truth.

May I reconcile with your grace
I wish to liberate my self
and embrace the love infinite.

How do I continue and keep awake
I've already failed, quite asleep
here with my endless listing need.

(c) 10/2005, RJDuberg

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