Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Integral Correspondence with Pierre on Ken's Board

Pierre had asked whether to column or not to column in an homage of sorts to where he felt at the moment embodied Hamlet's statement.  And I do discuss...

There's a lot of missing context here I don't have time to add except say once again, I lost the final product which was like a fourth revision.  Revisions are hot, and I just want fucking fart my brain out my ass when that happens.  ha ha

Hey Pierre, so am I to take your definition of teachings or my definition, both contain a rare set called esoteric which is by definition hidden, not so much secret and not so much hidden either. Because, those aren’t the only dimensions of possibility defining teaching, although together they do form a rather close knitted knot. I would add while this was how I first thought about things I knew which were hardly any of the above pointing I might add to a further complication to the complexes already arising, lol. OK … today I found myself amazed how despite the factual differences of value one finds among teaching, the rarest and still most valuable was itself paradox. I say that in the sense repeatedly day in and day out discovering or recognizing but in any event distinguishing and making knowledge as in a cognitive map of that apperception. The paradox I claim has to do with repeating this rarest of rare views of value, soul value, purpose of being, answer to the mystery of being and life (there will be a pop quiz at the end of this to see if you were listening or not). The paradox isn’t so much to do with the fact as it has to do with the limits of thinking and its mechanical routing through the limit of everything finite. 

It’s an odd station along the evolutionary path of the mind. More of stairway in the which ego stumbles and dies trying be what it cannot, with the struggle and death of the ego in its attempt to be 2 at once a hero. It’s a kind of double whammy when you consider the processes one has to loop through just to get to the beginning. As souls, our existence really can be seen as bubbles of light rising from an oceanic floor, where at the surface all things become clear as it were. 

Now if you haven’t gotten the paradoxes lining up here, I can offer you more, perhaps on the side of the simplistic and where the rubber meets the road? It behooves any student or shall we say student candidate to what? See, there’s already any number of lists of prerequisites yeah. The path to any esoteric teaching is in plain sight and walked across or by everyday. 

One of the unspoken future values that must be recognized is the need here for some kind higher adaptive AI that will keep some hyper super ethical approach to principled acts and reports (memory). There’s to much fashionistic focus that keeps everyone who stares at it blind. The value needing preservation at all costs is our technological basis having a preserved anchor into the POSSIBILITY that our past actually represents. I mean and there is plenty of work to do here, my suggestion is to invest highly in teams of higher order communities of conscious peope having both the wisdom of their founders plus the added value their conscious community is tasked to and represents. 

One classroom in a whole universe of such teaching platforms I say ought to be known as discovery. Discovery is my cosmic inbasket, lol. Anyway … There’s a divine blueprint, not saying I’m in possession of, because as I said, I’m having it dropped again and again in my you know what every day … Now, to answer your question…keep in mind that I filter everything through a linguistic analysis, removing as much noise as can be rachetted out of common sense (not here to waste time mind you). Then fiddle with the internal structures of thought present to reach and rank the signal for efficacy. This is perhaps my favorite field of fashion, founded in linguistics but still stuck back there. I’m sure you have your own history here where growing up becomes else entirely? LOL OK, I was going to say there’s just no money in it, yet. But that would have been my vanity getting away with another one 

So, undoubtedly I the ranking will be different than what I would put as the best and worst possible … kind of dark hole. The point is that doing just that alone (measuring efficacy or authentic ness, genuine) already has me well … everything impresses others usually as an interpretation based upon belief. That is not how to think. It remains part of the border between cognition and language and is the sole domain of thought. The memetic process of stiching together the higher and the lower, symbolizes the efficacy of the cosmos which is ours to represent alone. 

Why humanity has yet to establish higher schools of knowledge in the public, points to the nature of what is called esoteric. It’s a misleading term for me tho since nothing is actually hidden. It just remains necessary for man and women to be in a school in order for such knowledge that can be accessed to have any actual value. One day that’ll change, but for now, esoteric includes some this insight which recognizes the higher value such schools present for the benefit of serious students. What I just shared with you is considered esoteric, only because in order to understand it and benefit from that value a certain very rare training is required. Most is self referring still but the blindness and paradoxes are now resolved. What’s hidden isn’t really knowledge at all, just because some smuck figures he’s going to cash in on his personal interpretation, doesn’t not dismiss the fact of what is being offered being yet another interpretation. Where do the interpretations stop you ask right? I’m saying any secret knowledge one wants to have, it’s that original desire to know truth enlightened the OG remark and distinction of which we felt none higher or more important which is going to be the source of such a quest’s erfficacy in terms of knowledge. Here the knowledge of the STICH between higher and lower as a linguistic articulation and spoken and listened to with love in the heart. There is connection, the truth of one with no second. But … I need to run on my friend, hope this ravings if anything give you some calm and better yet some amusement and humor. 

To close, where this distinction you call secret exists (grok grok grok) outside I guess where your structures of consciousness don’t go tho or don’t exist. That was cofusing I’m sorry. In order to ask this question and be able to benefit from the ensuing conversation you need a school. I can’t think of better way to look at how to answer the but once again there’s the paradox … and you apt to get lost in that loop where what you see is both there and not there. Here, I’m saying in a CONSCIOUS school, such a question has value and is appropriate for a teaching conversation of which the school has as its purpose to produce. 

There are much better questions tto ask except they remain or will remain hidden or secret, not because I say so or has there ever been an authority who could. Well .. wouldn’t you like to know the nature or essence of the source of structiure itself? That kind of question has no value except as shared in quest and taught to a very select group of a very large group of committed supportive students. 

And, in honor of your spirit Pierre, I brought with me a poem written by C, not sure who C is. excerpted from from a digital newsletter called The Academy of European Arts and Culture.

In This Time…

Posted: 21 Sep 2020 05:39 AM PDT

In this time I feel we have become more

“Unified” in lightness as a Cosmos, a School.

Our soul’s join and quiver

like strings kissing the thin skins of our

confines within this realm,

reaching into a higher atmosphere

and understanding

our divine responsibility towards Love.

Let us float together today in this light.


Remember that pop quiz I promised you…well, it was over having universal knowledge dropped off daily in my inbasket, with me somehow blinded by it only to rediscover brand new the next day. There’s both mystery and clue in there and my exit now gotta run. Cheers, rj

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