Sunday, December 21, 2008

Pursuing Deeper Insights

There is no question of the value being high no matter what the dimension one is considering when thinking of deeper insight and its pursuit. Without it, one's work is necessarily limited by the lack of growth associated and promoted by insights. There are managing issues however, in that while deeper insights are being acquired or expressed, time for work stops while the activity of the mind works down a different dimension.

A meta-state emphasizes deeper insight is limited by mechanics in the psyche, which not only limits their field of inquiry but produces interpretative results which are consistent and resonate the past scripting in order to maintain some degree of "connection with ???" An immeasurable difference exists between insight and deep-insight which represents the power of consciousness penetrating levels of being which have no limits, while still shrouded by the ultimate mysteries of life. Deep insight is consciousness accessing new levels and structures of information there with clarity and also instantaneous understanding, helping the spirit, increasing its power, raising how far one's consciousness can reach, and leaving behind great impressions which help our imprints and memories better than associative linking and intellectual math concerning the world which orders our experience as much as can possibly be done without overwhelming our presence.

So, depending on priorities and deadlines, insights and the meta work required to produce them should be pursued with the goal being a specific balance and let insight itself help determine this schedule, as it rightfully should.

Deeper insight can kill the unprepared and ordinary individual, dead in their tracks, if allowed to confront a man with such understandings of truth which are ours to heed and follow through with. There deadliness consists in revealing in the most factual basic way the emptiness of ordinary existence to the point of invalidating it completely. Unless a man is prepared to accept the consequences and has some beginning kernel of faith in what knowledge and teaching exists to help him mature and grow into a more complete level of being, beyond this mechanical and meaningless void, he is no different than a man sitting on death row without any further social contact to lighten his day because his days are endding, and in some very real way never began and to the depth and degree of the insight's scope finds how little is expected to ever come or happen from his concern and/or work towards existing on a higher level of consciousness.

Sunday, December 07, 2008

ACTION as my ground of being, may remain forever, never to lose power, so great.

Can you sing and be happy while the sharks circle and whisper in your ear of their craving and hunger, even while they announce that their respect for you will not stop them from tearing you apart as soon as the circumstances warrant? When you can calmly float, and stare them down because your happiness has transformed your very existence into existence itself, and your soul remains to acquiesce the risk by virtue of the quality of irrisistence higher love inspires in all who come near.

And, because you recognize the benevolent power and satisfaction there is in giving to other life, still imprisoned by their destructive and unenlightened limits, your best and most open invitation to realize happiness itself, the communion of life energy that happy infects every contact with a higher purpose and path, destined with a renewed level of hope and a fate to reflect what light they were allowed when love smiled from on high.

Because happiness blesses us, finding it sufficient then frees our latent possibility to evolve naturally, for our nature is expressed happily at its complete best. Being responsible for this condition and state involves allowing one possibility to remain a mystery, though the rest of the world is ours to create and discover, the source of our own being is not.

Happiness begets true mystery. Faith is that legacy our cultural past gives us and continues to remain the most effective social sanctuary where men are educated spiritually though rarely succeeding in getting clear at all and of course all that comes with enlightened being and the freedom one finds inside to take one freely along in the outside world, naturally.

The mythologic architecture has its symbolic roots in the conscious source of truth in the final analysis which is the only real reason religion continues to exist as it does today even while expressing in those who attend to its abundant and endless streams of radiant possibilities the worst evils and in fact the highest antithesis of that source from which religion's cornerstone of faith was first manifest for our spiritual purpose.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Ramones

Spent just over 20 years as trailer park troubadours, never fully succeeding, finding a harsh complex mix of life and alot of opposition from the establishment. Their anarchist philosophy was a beacon to the young and disenfranchised as they reached out to the world and resisted compromising their sound and identity for anyone. Their simplicity and lack of polish created immediate access to a wide and sorely left out fan base who found new strength and will in their presence. To catch their act was to find oneself in awe of what is possible if only one cares enough to go out and face the day.

The recent documentary of interviews portrayed a reality which caught both the sparkle and shine and also the shadows and grime, in an opne and honest way. Very settling to get to watch this morning and if you haven't seen the film on this band airing currently on one of premium channels like HBO or SHO, do yourself a favor and take the time to listen to these people talk about each other and the band to get a flavor of a true American pop musical group's legacy.

One for the Books

Friday, September 26, 2008

It Takes a Highrise to Raise a Child

The design, perfects the argument.
And, plenty exist against a highrise
especially those who desire a village.
Yet, to hear another close by, works.

The magic of nature's omnipresence
seconds man's consciousness of it.
In designed close proximity to man,
is deepest look made into his nature.

The value is an extension and destined.
Evolution necessitates this for survival
as the most reasonable, logical means.
Awake to others is awakening to oneself.

Well designed, a highrise is most natural
Always present to remind you the truth
Like the first telescope used by Gallileo,
any telescope will commonly persuade.

Listen to the soft ramblings of a child
in your introspective eveningtide, aha!
You begin to hear the truth come near,
no purer form of conversation exists.


Thursday, September 18, 2008

Middle Aged Gut Check

Did you hear me whine the last time I was here?
All intel calculates the real before an account says.
Just in, email says I'm $2.5m lotto winner, no lie.
Every offer includes similar lies of variable degree
within all commerce, most especially the retail end.

What about accounting for this economic plight?
The Psychology of Lying states an understanding -
not a method for quantifying, that would be sick.
Only reason to know impact of our lying products
is to rehabilitate consciences that might yet exist.

So then, promised a gut check, I gave you clarity
to the whine, and the design reconciled backend.
The Gut Check, afterthought, today made, comes
in view of a harmonic peaceful humanity envisioned
on how it would be, the ways and means possible.

I stipulate human error and mistakes, justice remains.
Yet as office and power dictate and provide, each of us
our interest must somehow become inspired by this:
Whatever harms naturally, costs the perpetrator love.
Nothing here matters if not for love as the one source.

rjd 9/2008

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Middle Age Weirds Ideas (working draft)

Knowing this space I occupy is one with All-Space,
means understanding the relevant essence between
and how All-Space ceases to exist without myspace,
for one. Though I can't see infinity, eternity is nearer.
Once sacred ideas, science is poised to eliminate them
as facts, and without relevance, truer reasons might
measure reality of universe again, with more heart
not less. Absolutes, transcending relevance, was faith
cheating by unscrupulous politics and oppression
as natural of its true influence on human society?

There doesn't yet exist a healthy structure for man
within any society, to contribute value he seeks
thus society remains a fabric of man qua man links
at best, and decisions that define boundaries beyond
our reach, our consciousness, as we believe in voting
in ballots with a majority always the final ruling
over rest, winners over losers, an ironic fact in that
the smallest number always speak for greatest
and without a better idea we hang on to this farce.

Just like religion and less and less science, is this;
that our relevant understanding is completely false
while fact and faith are true possibilities, ideals now;
our knowledge is not active or operational, just belief.
And, ALL belief is foreign, adopted, alien, inauthentic
while original thought has quite the difference in flavor.
So while we in fact vote, we don't vote our own, do we?
It's multiple choice, with arbitrary write-ins ignored.

So, democracy has failed, while founding ideas remain
somehow providing individuals more than belief, hence;
social activism has brought us face to face razing the fence.
And, despite contest of loser's opinions evolving some
the promise fulfilled is purely circumstantial, most miss.
Real evolution, substantial and profound, will require
as many who vote, to suddenly think for themselves
recognize and maybe rally around new idea of governance.

This call then is to all the Ayn Rands, Einsteins, Emersons
alive today, to begin their epic works, and finish, I hope.
I speak in the darkness, though so many have my heart.
Clearly, the numbers as I've presented them don't compute,
don't equate, yet what other route does mankind have left?
Clearly, democracy isn't up to preserving individual liberty
when it's corruptd by those in power and opposing beliefs -
Scarcity, supremacy, cultural isolation, closed mindedness.

But, if not democracy, no ballot to cast our vote, then what?
The answer lies in economic theory and thought, I believe.
Only because, unlike political ideology and governments,
it actually takes account of facts without intrinsic bias,
except those elegantly and simply proven scientifically.
Obviously, here is where this man and Faith separate.
For faith, what's important is recycling every day's events
back into a narrative which is apocalyptic and mythologic.
For me, evolving my being needs honest accounting, to start.

Start speaking, paying your debt, invest, or gamble
until the horizon's fog bank clears its all the same act.
I have no reconciled statement, though alot of red belief.
My beginning will be to integrate higher philosophy
into my economical and financial accounting method,
and explore, leaving everything in play, sitting not.
In short, liquidate, consolidate, and capitalize; be fit.

9/2008, rjd

Saturday, August 30, 2008

~For 50 Years Now

Found the woman I've been dreaming of
still putting the pieces together from last one
she was a Timex, I smashed against a tile.
My idea of lickin' was more than mistaken,
a dangerous key, made some sexy debris.

Each day luggs a few pieces I've kept along.
Countless times, I tried and failed the re-fit.
My ritual for recovery of truth, the love lost
by meditation, left over dust is swept to bin
so dream-flame has to ignite and not shatter

my broken heart

A suffering illusion I find or don't, shot out 22
only to have myself picked, served, and trashed
her guilt this time must be framed in my insanity.
Nobody can be wrong so many times, so many ways
about anything, as I have about the ways of women.

to question eye to eye, why love was never enough
to stop her from the decision to abandon me
doesn't happen because so far she's not been honest enough
abandoned by dreamlove, I imagine my insanity growing.

This last time was easier on my physical being but
knowing exactly how little faith and trust her lies concealed
the lying, the contemplated options, just dumping midstream
what reason extends for all before the split aiming to ruin
my happiness?

brutality of betrayal

each bout of illness, love's fever
unhooks all the edges where I hemorrhage
landing me a target for next bus to force what is my
misfortune, so unlucky enough to drop too much
to quickly to roll over under tires near bus stop.
This ICU has brought me closer and closer
to finding that woman, the challenge of heart
so close I know she's hiding, in bit of acting
I saw my dreamflame's twin, scorched mystery
she vanishes in, and the intensity left behind.

There's no denying this debris was my princess
I dreamed and dedicated with faith in truest love.
my timex test
which has kept my romantic dream alive
pinned on a childish belief in Santa Claus.

Pushing pile of rubble into a balled up wreck
as an homage to the dream girl I feel, thru
my illusion, the insanity, how she always runs
and for all 50 years now.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Love Math

Amid the points of permanence
our identity speaks for itself
a voice of essence, independence.

With a different voice was reason
built, a continuum in balance
and its polarity of transcendence.

Does this zero denominate a kiss
of two lovers we sacrafice, risk;
gain relation, seek infinite center.

The bizarre happens by illusion
when the voice has no listener
or speaks, insincerity believed.

But love, unbounded openness
in its honesty, heard in its song,
clears a space where two unite.

So many points go distant, by
what manner for love's desire
shall unity express itself nigh.

Monday, June 09, 2008

Battle Serious

Do you feel a mystery
as a rank recurring rhythm
that answers fail to question
what remains extant in time?

Does the pain building
felt in feeling, privately dreading
in the night shade coming
shake your slumber then?

This instinctive home sucks
and all and everything, mucks
by and large, by certain thought
when our own habits command.

Understanding it doesn't help
or I would feel no pain now.
Would somebody help correct
path to self, as battle, but serious?


Monday, June 02, 2008

Things I cannot touch

What touches anything, touches this.
Things I cannot touch, sung on a hilltop
one might find closer more than enough.
While our quick dalliances pique upbeats,
it's the clean self reflected so naturally,
where nature holds special places for us
we never knew, or could, to touch;
touching us, but not us, we touch.

Ask the touching fingers, better yet
what they cannot touch, for answers
we see in life of fish living underwater,
touching water in some greater way
isn't the truth in reverse, a paradox?
Most fish are oblivious and ignorant,
never touching what touches them all.

Where anything expands or contains
just beyond the last stop of mind
this measures in permanent fashion
everything untouchable somehow, not
the shock and awe parlay of our drama
that could just as well conceal pride,
narcissitic boneheading, and denial.
Just because one ignores willingly
doesn't mean never-ever is reality.


Sunday, June 01, 2008

You Who Never Arrived

Pre: Stumbled over a collection of Rilke tonight and found, You Who Never Arrived, speaking loud enough for me to resonate tonight's version...

There where you remain hidden unseen by me
Your arrival made a bed for my dreams, a fast.
My noon hour pause is one long look and beat
left behind when innocence chased hearts away
singing in patient adoration by window's edge.

A looking where nothing is recognized beyond
your immensity, a paradox that overwhelms.

this space I know, longing

but far-off, deeply-felt ground echoes in mind.
The space for your being is breath I so inhale
for promise, lost from the start, that eludes me.
As you still vanish behind dizzy gaze of corner.

6/2008, rjduberg

Today's Gift

I stopped late in life ...
to look at memories fading less
and gaining ground over the crest
laid on us all like the hand of time.

There's no horror equal or real
to finding what's been, turn back round
your lying, the intent, chasing you down
never letting up, cresting repentance.

Failing your humble understanding of this
how your very soul will haunt you 'til death
creates personal scrooges for some, and I.
I seek forgiving counsel from all I've done in.

And, you see, though the past fades
we can never pretend anything ends.
What I've dispatched, reasons aside,
took an injurious force, my lies a farce lid.

Save me enough time to right my wrongs
and count on me for everything else
you've come to know and trust me for.
... before growing wise was enough.

5/2008, rjduberg

Too Pop Too

How big a lie is our stake in this moment?
Our biggest is expressed possessively, mine.
Is stepping forward into hero's recognition
meeting a soul-mate, giving to the poor?
Life without a moment is beyond our sense.
Will anyone renew life's vital source or remains
by living well this time, free and loving?

When sincerity travels to humility, time ends.
Moments unify and life is only a bigger mystery.
Further on, the roll stops in an upward rise.
Our true stake is language, the tool of relation.
Nothing survives unless we keep all things equal.
Juggling words is a spiritual art for these fliers,
where used and discarded never slows down.

For those who spoke up for me when I forgot this
you live for this bollox and its bloody endlessness.
Recycling energy, and the silence of time, these
are warrants offered that lay waiting for what lies.
How dull today, how bloody awful and tired, what
can make this discrete two pop into one mind?

5/2008, rjd

Saturday, May 10, 2008

~Light of Otherwise

I have committed acts, walked naked by choice
outside in the dark blanket of heavy snowfall.
That rosy path, with thorns of wrath, our nemesis...

I know I've stumbled upon it so many times
it no longer shocks me to lose my mind.
Nobody is safe from the demons of sleep.

I've less strength than ever, to stay awake
for being eternal; that, and nothing less,
resolves the issue in a balanced polarity.

Victims like confusion with loss of function
which doesn't get noticed; while false engages
everyone with horror, blinders hasten the decline.

Excuses and complaints form this path to hell.
Our worst denigration, groggy sleep, its passage.
Logic suggests non-dualism stops bleeding, rose.

I endlessly search for such mental expedience,
for consolidating mountains of debt, past due;
without any promise my home is where I left it.

In the seizing of every moment to purely act,
never running from consequences, this creativity
describes being, a force and influence; learning.

Purity of truth defies all common sense attempts
in response to limiting hell, by not venturing back
across boundaries while keeping an eye on fence.

A fence separating our lives from being identified,
summarizing life's memory and its influence here
to choice, the act, and our escape from mechanical.

Evolution's Ghost walks the bloody rose lane to death.

As long as I do not go to sleep and observe opposition
taking my best shots at finding orbits' flat burn release.
When that opportunity comes, the choice will be made.

Keep teaching yourself to turn along with the world;
if persistent, one's roll will eventually preside inside
as grandest map possible, paid in thorn's pricking pain.

There's no simple way to say non-word of eternal light.
Neither word can be heard, nor shadow of light seen.
So it goes... words from elsewhere light the otherwise.

5/10/2008, rjd

Thursday, May 08, 2008

~The Spiral

What could that possibly mean about writing for me
to say that finding freedom in rhetorical expression
is central and or at the core of my poetry's aesthetic?

When use of rhetorical style becomes a habit of pursuit
perhaps freedom is lost much like mileage to gas hike,
knowing freedom's purchase requires higher resources
relativity at work in the most basic sense, felt as free.

But not...

And to maintain freedom in one's life evolves a process

with another degree of will signaling an actual potential

and applying that will, effectively, gains a right to surreal.

Freedom is an interpretation about higher awareness

when focus finds chaos decreasing in rise of certainty

leveling odds create circumstance resonating harmony.

Oddly enough, it is precisely in this situation of freedom

where the only result can be reversal of such fortune.

and so it goes... with perfect ascension's formal spiral.

5/2008, rjd

Friday, April 25, 2008

Poems about my Love

Choking on It

Choking on what thought,
the chemistry of love on top,
those molecules and this chaos
they wrought, scat, in the backyard,

so used and thrashed.

A single's work cleaning the litter,
leveling the ground, in cooling endorphins,
and wafts of air stale with memory,
and tuneless whistling.

So what, you say; with your shadow in place
lifting instruments to play virtuosic riffs a bit,
in front of locked-down stores lining the street.
You have quit believing that there's more, but
still stirred, enough to stop, and wait, listening hard.

-Rewritten work of found poem by Kim Addonizio

And then by Andre Breton....

Always for the First Time

Always for the first time
Hardly do I know you by sight
You return at some hour of the night to a house at an angle to my window
A wholly imaginary house
It is there that from one second to the next
In the inviolate darkness
I anticipate once more the fascinating rift occurring
The one and only rift
In the facade and in my heart
The closer I come to you
In reality
The more the key sings at the door of the unknown room
Where you appear alone before me
At first you coalesce entirely with the brightness
The elusive angle of a curtain
It's a field of jasmine I gazed upon at dawn on a road in the vicinity of Grasse
With the diagonal slant of its girls picking
Behind them the dark falling wing of the plants stripped bare
Before them a T-square of dazzling light
The curtain invisibly raised
In a frenzy all the flowers swarm back in
It is you at grips with that too long hour never dim enough until sleep
You as though you could be
The same except that I shall perhaps never meet you
You pretend not to know I am watching you
Marvelously I am no longer sure you know
Your idleness brings tears to my eyes
A swarm of interpretations surrounds each of your gestures
It's a honeydew hunt
There are rocking chairs on a deck there are branches that may well scratch you in the forest
There are in a shop window in the rue Notre-Dame-de-Lorette
Two lovely crossed legs caught in long stockings
Flaring out in the center of a great white clover
There is a silken ladder rolled out over the ivy
There is
By my leaning over the precipice
Of your presence and your absence in hopeless fusion
My finding the secret
Of loving you
Always for the first time

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

~Return From Summit

I heard said, reaching the summit,
when no summit I had ever seen,
left a wake descending complete.

This truth returns nay but why?
When the uncommon rides high
does a descent fulfill the stride?

Years climbing in apparent futility
have I daily felt pinnacle's peak
only to stop when at the top.

Something I forgot surfaced today
nothing achieved is overcome
unless returned level with love.

We see what we find and forget
never returning endowed possibility
to place depth where surface lies.

4/2008, rjduberg

Thursday, April 10, 2008

~Ode to Oxy

Pream: Confused and considering the strophe, antistrophe, epode idea, I penned this, but wish to stipulate to its vagueness. Perhaps, I shouldn't have shared/posted it.

The variance of your reply, the skew and difference
set upon the express summary by timed default
inspires just one impulse in my sea of madness.

I will never stop paddling around, despite the odds.
While fluidity has its own science and religiosity
the art requires a dimensional aesthetic, a break.

Look for good maps and remote locations
Stock up necessary resources and head there.
For nothing is remembered as well as being there.

4/2008, rjd

~Along with Less than That

On the face, there was suddenly a place
a spot on which my hand raced
turning the dials about.

Not like a bell, but twilight at dawn
this place grew strong
from inside.

When points in references reached
on latest maps detailing something odd perhaps
they do not steel my provicincy and commitment

The teardrop is something I have patience for
nobody else seems to find so disturbing, if I may know.

map includes horizons and plots for each other 3 shots
pictures of my internam, hard and soft target overviews or discussions are find be yond anyone's ability to make me here. If there is any link in to situation to speak with them. Not sure what that need is to be closer with my ability to access the car taking or emerging with a mean ready to go so I don't have to continue driving tonight.

Gonna start with laundry I guess ... Bye!!

and my hand points it there.

5/2008, rjd

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Vignette about Family Estate Karma

I can imagine writing a scene in a novel or book about you and I and this life. We’re revisiting the Duberg estate, in the country made up of family estates, a kind of spiritual repository of karma which is so tightly knitted together for us in our relations to our families. We stroll through the gate, the grounds, the house, reminisce about everything left as recorded history in displays mounted on walls and other types of artifacts, and then making our way through garden and backyard in a far corner of the land we come to an old well, barely visible for never being maintained or used. We’re kids, leaning over the wall, peering into the blackness, and I ask (semi-rhetorically now), how far down does it go (posing with a rock in my hand, prepared to let it drop) and you grab my wrist with this look of utter horror on your face, and you say, “You don’t want to know!” The look just paralyzes me, but your consternation melts into a comforting whisp of a smile, reminding me of how much more you’ve suffered on this spot, and I realize such wisdom is priceless and never to be ignored. This doesn’t extinguish my natural curiosity so compounded by the fact of my karmic inheritance which is some sense being incarcerated and thus limited or constrained; by itself, undeserving and unjust.

You release your grip and I let my hand fall to my side, the rock I toss aside, and then turn and glance back at the blackness with only patience in mind. We shall see then, how this all plays out. We begin our hike back to the estate’s compound with you rambling on about how one day all this will be mowed under and landscaped with a fresh grove of trees, going over some list in your head, the pros and cons, and all I can think about and wonder is which one might be least conductive of the demonic. For who knows just what doorways exist in blackness so deep, through which the nightmares of babes might wake up the curse of this karmic unrest once again?

As we close in on the garden and our senses are awash in a phalanx of spring fragrant sprouting, we turn outward and receptive to the primeval beauty of love’s light. Nothing is forgotten, especially buried secrets which are still so black. ~

Saturday, March 15, 2008

~But Wait

For the lithe, supple, breathing
a child at play, blends fantastic,
over the falls of words sacraficed...

But wait...

This current of words flows not
but is stopping, being held anon
here, a small pittance with love.

I'm starved instead by such joy,
but would have nothing anyway
but useless hollow flabiness.

3/2008, rjd

Thursday, March 13, 2008

~What is HER Problem?

I'm now convinced it matters more
my discontinuous view of amore
not because losing to this flow
happened, but that it won't stop.

The profundity of loss is lost here.
Am I the only victim of this travesty?
Or, as she thought selfishly, suggesting?
Like asking why God kills the innocent!

Past this connumdrum, personal issues
and all... nothing changes this process
where love for me was once continous
stopped, and became solidly discontinuous.

OK, maybe for you it's different,
self-improvement as narrative focus
still remains as gravity for most of us
and yet, what is HER problem?

3/2008, rjd

PS: Unless I offend please understand that what I'm closing here with is a very sketchy (to give perspective to plain I guess) way of expressing feminine dominance as a central and coalescing influence which any story about what would improve being alive necessarily focuses on.

Please don't limit your notion of feminine dominance to some kind of socio-sexual stereotype to avoid the offense. Clearly, this is my assertion about the ISSUE or subject which I'm referring to innocuously yet at the same time saying is singular and continuous among all categorically similar narratives per se, negative or positive.

I wish my thesis wasn't so weakly put, but its a start I think for now .

Thursday, February 28, 2008

~Sparse Frivolity

Notes to oneself, to the other, are endless with (k)nots.
Hum of the drum, beats us all down, even now.
And then, comes Rumi's white miracle of round,
when just like a beautiful spring day, new is found.

There's one sure promise here in so many miles
paved with broken hearts, love's recompense.
Long riders learn how to bite their tongues
for risk of missing opportunity to exit (here)with.

Longer and farther one treads, rot settles in.
Close to the start, is where to find surest bow.
There, knarly pain controls mind spasm totality
just as before - God created Universe - this time.

We're simple and sparse in any grand comparison.
Tragic misfortunates, suffering the mystery unseen.
Our stories are all, little more than Potter's Daubie,
sure fire failures forsooth as profit rushes to defend.

Truth is not narrative, while narrative claims what is.
We claim narratives our own, and then stop asking.
Our erudite moral thinkers persuade how valuable
the story told must be, identity's fashionable package.

Nice and tidy they say, providing continuity with past,
a frivolity which defines our spirituality, our essence.
I bite my tongue, and choose to close in on the start.
It hurts most when I forget how really meaningless...

But at times like this, burning intent at my ready,
the challenge to untell is at once all I perceive.
So far as that maintains the inquiry, will I return.
Straight lines and circles, my digital age narration.

2/28/08, rjduberg

Thursday, February 14, 2008

~def Challenge II

Of 3 positions, none offered
your life rests there, each moment
Beginning, Inbewteen, and Endding.

Why no one remembers dynamic
denies many rights and genius.
This past, genius, for endding?

This little set is our beginning
and this middle plays healing
on the start of a mystery ending.

Mystery, Inbetween, Endding.
Could it be a verse of Karma?
Better yet, final recurrence?

Well, simplicity must act now.
Beginning, swings a middle process
to middle that ends to roll of end.

rj 2/2008

~Where You Is

Before you went
to inhaling insist
was effervescent

OK some roost
around a nest,
some scoot scatter
fly founder fume.
Everything poops
their own place.

Why your poop
left me so sad?
My little mask
is now offhanded.

I know better (the)
where you go
is the miracle (of)
where you are.

Rose Peddles/sun

Why do roses suffer the liquid of our being
so much we've grown yet so little sown
regarding nature's story of pain.

And the beauty of the thorn seen in water
is made by the sight of its crown in blood.
The color is a match, hook, and tackle.

My liquid rose over the lips and was free
what I don't drink runs down my face
this better be where you find solace
after you stop deifying words peddled.

rjd, 2/2008

~words of wisdom

The reason anything gets done begins and ends...

The other side becomes general in their answer
just as the sunset with its beauty draws down.
Remember there’s power when adversity nears.
Knowing the positive still prevails, brings benefit.

What is to gain by standing out in the open may...
Beyond a change of season, they’re all the same.
There’s another idea being focused on, I’m saying
that -- of what’s beyond recycling, just because...

Agreeing the present is bad risk management;
In truth, only pure stupid egomania cuts it.
You figure, converting to solar, solves everything;
And why the hell haven’t we began to live that?

The reason is once again about management...

Thursday, February 07, 2008

~She Was

Longing built on the greatest loss
fading, I can barely name names
for the one I regret, cannot forget.

Falling so hard like that
defies belief and explanation -
even the story is ridiculous.

And yet, that first lover persists
as a gift to which I was blessed
and have longed for ever since.

2/2008, rjduberg

Friday, January 18, 2008

~Shock of my Family

Keeping track of numerosity, the defiance of chaos
meticulous and precise, it comes with a price.
Make a list, and notice somewhere fog disappear.
Include a mistake as a shockwave, like tsunami
against your thatchy, unrooted, shallow, indwelling.

The mistake we find is the mistake we project
the error our true self freely enjoys to a fault,
and forgeting origin, doom makes misc a lie,
returning chaos to the side of our enemies.
Hail the man with a reverence for such shock.

His humility and true incompetence laid bare
while his reverence is a design to embrace.
Most don't conceive the value of awakening
as victims and slaves, they protect their sleeps
with illusions of purpose, quite felonious skits.

In catching what lies we find how hot the steam,
the pressure which friction will invariably release.
We get good at stepping over it all for sleep,
preferring an unfocused, non-intended state;
to the work, designed to put shock in our way.

Biggest shock for me is change in my women.
I chase the projection, because love was great.
I suffer an imagination scorched by the friction
of a time producing zenith in all my attachments.
Attachment fuels illumination, shock ignites it.

I do not know what women think or feel, thou.
Not for lack of effort to discover and correct
mistakes, to restore the intimate renewing,
which characterizes my fading impression.
Interpretations abound, some keep shaking.

They could not own me, nor bitch their way in.
I have my mom, beyond bitchy, who I so love
to thank on this particular catastrophic fault.
In fact, I believe my entire family plays a role
through their mass exodous to far off fringes.

Not hard to see how little stock I'd have, to put,
after the primary carriers of that experience
ostracized, abandoned, rejected, left, forgot
me; each and every one. Aha my family is
no worse than women, that stand left empty.

Not women but brothers and in laws, mom.
Those who've passed before setting it right.
Mostly, the turning away and leaving behind.
Thus I live this core felt relation to women
they always bring recognition back to missing.

In the beginning, before the cruelty, there was
such frivolous distraction, and love. Still love,
today quite mature however, compassionate.
Not their fault, I see that, can't change this,
but only focus on source in all of this, family.

Egads, and there's the rub, I'm quite sure
I lack any standing, nor have any favor to call.
Oh well, such are the facts, and I can't believe
there aren't others who've passed beyond this.
The bleak blanket sleep brings, is a monster.

(c) rjduberg, 2008, Jan

Thursday, January 17, 2008

~The Good Chase

Forget about any thoughts, I might have
for those who might know or imagine
how this poem found words and context
to begin with what surely started, parted.

And this has nothing to do with talented
beautiful voices, singing harmony, love.
Though chasing those performances may,
shouldn't they? Say the closer the better!

How exciting when you can almost touch
what you've been striving so hard to reach.
Yet can anyone answer why that touch
brings such sorrow over our hearts, won?

Even understanding this horrible truth
and passing on instead of chasing one
is not satisfaction, by simply refusing
to engage success, a turning paradox.

The good chase catches a path upwards
opens opportunities and possibilities
never before known or imagined, real.
This mystery of paradox of finding more

is perhaps the ultimate convolution.
Time spent chasing a true mystery
caught revealing wealth of unknown
preserving mystery in well's depth.

If the chase was good from the start
preserving those stakes is stalwart
a pure result from one's actions
an outcome due to forgetting self.

A vision of mystery, chasing eternity.

© 2008, rjduberg

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

~Liquid Rose

As the liquid rose
the brim of surprise
enjoyed full release,

stuck up so high
what came around
never dove in
nor took flight
but hung a-round
at a distance,

for what in passing
is hard choked
in its stream,
its proximity

no retort,
just a hard surface,
a real bore
of hollow end
to open.

© rjduberg, 1/2008