Sunday, July 14, 2013

Your money or your life?

A friend recently retorted why worry about it? He was refering to money and how it supposes to represent a person's wealth, but beyond that he could only admit to worrying about it on personal survival level at best. Good reasons for this, and yet quite beyond the pall of the mainstream at least. Why worry about it? It's not necessary to worry and one can even do away with it altogether and live life as an arhat, a wondering or reclusive eastern monk adorned with a piece of thread to for cover and a bowl to receive the charity society designates is sufficient in his/her presence.

For the rest of us that are participating on the wheel of samsara still, it's so interesting that even while we are all doing this together as one, it is only by bringing our corporeal existence to bear in coordindation with others that our life continues to exist and have a future. If this is true, why are we still operating individually. Perhaps the Rights which are protected by our USA may have finally reached their expiration date? But I am getting way ahead of myself, and money is a far more sexier and urgent necessity which I can literally feel pushing me right now, despite all creeds stating the truth to be otherwise.

Thus, our perception of others "wealth" accounts for the veracity of our ordinary lives, an orderliness that without being policed and maintained would uncover mankind's less social and civilly minded impulse's involving fear and aggression, violence and flight. This is a rather esoteric perspective because for the most part wealth and currency are simply misundertood entirely with the first incorrect belief being that money and wealth, the tokens that symbolize power, are scarce and 2nd that money is something living in something called banks. As my friend seemed to allude, money has meaning only in so far as a community or group of communities share that meaning.

However, he mentioned that its definition is based on the perceived wealth of others. I would challenge that for so many reasons. First of all the thought that money is imaginary itself is simply laughable. I know that what you meant to say was that by itself it has no intrinsic meaning or value, but to call the magnitude of money represented by very real digits circulating throughout societies banking systems as imaginary ... well, my man, that simply defies intelligent thought. Add to all of this the international banking community and its warehousing and redistribution of money in ways which profoundly distort and corrupt that value and such attitudes towards represent its speciifc limit on the return.

With all of our trite and impoverished ways of relating to money, defining ourselves by it instead of the truth which has always been its basis in tokenship, or the truth of our lives being defined by negotiation and substitution. Thus money is defined rightfully as a magnitude attached to a contract between men in which the value of money is an exchangeable commodity having universal applications, such that with my 2 cents in hand I can in a pinch trade them for a pencil I forgot to bring with me on my trip downtown to write poetry in the Museum's Plaza or along the harbor-side.

Reforming the financial institutions of our world is something which we can no longer avoid, because they no longer court higher thought and science, but have become demigods for those who roam those halls, and the principle message is he with the most toys wins or something along those lines.

What is so annoying is that we haven't even gotten to the point of having suggestions floating around necessary to augur our immediate future and our ability to pay for it.

IN closing ... please do not hold money at fault, although how easy is that to do? I've done it. Rather, see the real and vast need still very much present and growing in life for us to recreate our cultural schemes surrounding finance, which begin to show up as energetically supporting life (as in producing a belief called abundance instead of scarcity. The truth is twisted so far up into its own anus out of our perspective on money that it is not even funny. A change in perspective here however will express itself appropriately as a profound change in worldly perspective altogether, especially after money becomes abundant with the divine values of which every man born is endowed with. Yes, abolishing slavery was a magnificent and revolutionary step in this direction, but we almost killed everyone in the process and with all due respect to Lincoln seeing the war through on principle. The idea of human life Representing a Monetary Value has yet to be cleared from our collective consciousness or mercenaries would be a thing of the past, the most lucrative business in the past decade. 

You laugh, and I am here to say stop that.

Feels like a Sunday Morning to me for some reason, LOL.

Now addressing the younger Bush president of security at the White House I need to drop off old CD and pu Groceries and pu cinema from Greg

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