Thursday, May 21, 2020

Memes, Conflation, Truth, Paradigmatics

Key Concepts
Excerpted from a PKD FBook post 5/21

 Shanti Prema Hudes You definitely got a narrative going there.  Not wanting to intrude here, but I'm finding this conversation (with?) really fascinating about value judgements and personal boundaries and methods of accessing real or true data I'm interested in building some expertise of my own or not, or maybe I'm just curious.  But there are conspiracy theories and science and a whole gradient mix in-between.

Today, the dissonance has never been greater without the personal commitment to trust but verify. Science is the only modality in which precise repeatable outcomes can be produced. Thus, when you hear anything hearsay, like Trump's massive businesses and his cadre of medical and political and financial advisors, advising him, the fact is quite the opposite. Yeah, all of those 100s of friends he lost on 911. A complete fabrication.

 The developmental stage of evolution, called integral by Ken Wilber, is a level of consciousness which perceives the cosmos as holoarchical.  Another way of saying this is to say or perceive the cosmos as consisting of holons within holons.  This is not a conflation but a recognition of fact.  Until facts and accurate empirical data form the basis for conversation, there being an ongoing acknowledgement of "truthiness", of course there will be push back against everything seen as strange and/or a threat.  Now there's a conflation waiting to happen, lol.

  I'm amazed at how little people get the potato-potaaaato meme distinction. And to say a meme is a generalization is full stop reductionism.  The really interesting facts regarding memes has to with those generalizations, their lives (they all have beginnings and ends, although we're getting ready to burst that intellectual bubble to), relationships with cultural outcomes and horizons, and the anxiety of influence (and the complete waste it creates in society, such as Trumps National Mexican Wall.

 Any action coming from a less than integral level of consciousness will operate a meme-function designed push back and resist standing on fundamentals of boundary making and wall building.  Personal memes designed to separate and lead on into a herd mentality and Corporate memes designed to incorporate the world.  Then integral memes which are psychoactive and influence one in letting go of all beliefs that don't support love, healing, sharing, ascension in its myriad expressions.  Cheers, rj

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