Tuesday, July 27, 2004

The Secret Stone Shapes

The odd things we receive from life
along the way, sticks of love to chew,
tasty and fine or grit to grind, eschew.
Some lasting sage, a senatorial inkblot
progressing as my aging perspective,
but never changing that original face
of love’s radiant grace we make visible.

Diamonds are shadowed by rich cliché
and only discussed by the upper crust
Elite sparkles of pricey disconnection
in brilliant rocks of inspired perfection.
Much comes through informal usages
allowing implied secrets real presence,
in object's clarity for horizoned insight.

Translucent degrees signify essentials
which support the desired resonance,
absorbing light of love and reflecting.
The crystalline cornerstone made way
powerfully, for then retained as now
a gift of grace, stones may remind us

as golden mirrors for such a memorial.

Inspired, in love, a muse begs a secret
until a lover’s essence is your moment.
Become formalized seeking structure
which if genuine fortune dares arrive
then naked, we’ll enjoy slow wrapping
foils and bowtie ribbons in toiless bids

to present a sacred space for our love.

© 7/27/2004, RJDuberg

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