Monday, December 28, 2015

Mark captures my focus yet again, leaving me to say this...

Don't get me wrong, How many times have you listened to some personal coach talk about how to properly valuate yourself beginning with your fee. Such a silly argument, cause if your worth the fee, it ought never be an issue and this kind of response to Mark's coaching emphasizes virtue of character before marketing expertise. From my limited experience of Mark, a compelling generosity of service is just where he begins. I may have been a bit harsh on him insofar as I really have no basis for challenging him like that when in fact with the person in focus Mark undoubtedly coached him in just the right area and in the right way to compel that person's positive response. That's heavy hitting. The choice of this testimonial though doesn't leave any hint, clue, or suggestion of a far more neglected space beyond the gross transformational bars, beyond the bar of purity on one's self where you've now re-climbed the tallest mountain in yourself 10 times over so that your beginning to do with without hands, blindfolded. Stepping up the difficulty like that is one way to keep it real, giving that coaching expertise would certainly be another, the question was cleaved for me over the edge drama, in which any reduction in the overt dramatizing of breakdowns is such a massive significant transformation on an energetic scale that its all too easy to become addicted to being in the presence of that release. My angle or approach or higher interest here however is aligned with the deeper mysteries of life and my personal inward call back to the divine. I have been admonished at every intersection of my path and ever curve in which I was influenced by far greater adepts than myself that the ultimate and hardest challenge that prevents and sidetracks one after another from fully liberating themselves from ignorance and merging with the eternal and infinite grace which calls us all back to that source is our identification with attachment to successful alchemical productions and their siddhis. The most important inward disipline then is our higher compass and there the greatest challenge because in this work you will find severely powerful capacities and skills you never dreamed of when you began. And its these blossoms that have the capacity to hook our egos enslaving our future destinies all in the blink of an eye. We fall asleep and identify our possibilities in life with our egotistical false self and were spun sideways and revel in our wreckage due to that comparison made egotistically. Forgive my rambling on but I thought it only fair given my earlier challenge which Mark may or may not have understood, and with this now hopefully my questions might be a little more helpful. In all things, may presence lead your valuation, so that during those moments when our path has suddenly lifted us into some bright new field of dead air where no references or comparisons or legacies exist by which value is commonly established, you arrive loaded for bear!!! smile emoticon

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